글 수 18,110
"미국으로 보내거나 미국으로부터 발송되는 모든 이메일은 어둠의 계략을 따르는
NSA(미 안보국) 요원들이 감시하는 컴퓨터로 들어간다. 최근 NSA 컴퓨터의
필터링으로 'Dove of Oneness' 그룹 멤버의 이메일 몇십통이
튕겨져 나갔고 가짜 오류메시지가 떴다... 그러나 그런 요원들에게 경고하고
방해를 하지 못하도록 조치가 취해졌다..."
... I saw this morning that the dark agenda have ONCE AGAIN INTERFERED
with Dove egroup members and put nearly 80 Dove egroup members into
the BOUNCED list last night. I'm told by the Forces Intelligence
Agents that certain NSA personnel and others following orders from
the dark agenda caused these problems. I'm told that every email
sent into or from an email address in the United States goes through
the NSA Internet computers. Furthermore, I'm told that these NSA
personnel following dark agenda orders put a filtering process on
the OUTPUT SIDE of the NSA Internet checking computers. It is at
THIS point that the dark agenda interference is randomly grabbing
emails to Dove egroup members and returning the emails with BOGUS
rejection notices to Yahoo!Groups. Yahoo!Groups then automatically
BOUNCES these email addresses off the Dove egroup "Active" mailing
list into the "Bounced" list.
The Forces have physically REMOVED the dark agenda people who gave
the orders to do this interference with the Dove egroup members.
Furthermore, the Forces also BLASTED a NOTICE into every NSA person's
and other people's PC screens, who are involved in this interference
with the Dove egroup members, as of 12:50 p.m. PDT today. This
notice informed these people of the DIRE PERSONAL consequences to
each of them if they continue to try to interfere with the Dove
egroup members and Dove Reports. The Forces are making sure all this
interference is DISABLED....
요즘 Dove egroup의 글들이 PAO네트웍 게시판(PagPawnt)에 자주 뜨네요~
글 전체적으로 보면 'White Knights'(백 기사들?)이 미국 경제 개혁을 위한 특단의 조치를
미 재무성이 수락하도록 하고, 이 달말까지 시스템 전환(?)을 마치도록 했다는 이야기도
눈에 보입니다. 곧 'NESARA (미국 경제 안정화/회복 법안)'의 구상대로 경제개혁이
이루어질 것이라고 이 Dove 그룹에서는 자주 메시지를 전달하고 있네요...
관심있는 분들께서는 전반적인 흐름을 감지해 보시길~ ^^
위의 글 전체는 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PagPawnt/message/5934
셀라맛 가준!
NSA(미 안보국) 요원들이 감시하는 컴퓨터로 들어간다. 최근 NSA 컴퓨터의
필터링으로 'Dove of Oneness' 그룹 멤버의 이메일 몇십통이
튕겨져 나갔고 가짜 오류메시지가 떴다... 그러나 그런 요원들에게 경고하고
방해를 하지 못하도록 조치가 취해졌다..."
... I saw this morning that the dark agenda have ONCE AGAIN INTERFERED
with Dove egroup members and put nearly 80 Dove egroup members into
the BOUNCED list last night. I'm told by the Forces Intelligence
Agents that certain NSA personnel and others following orders from
the dark agenda caused these problems. I'm told that every email
sent into or from an email address in the United States goes through
the NSA Internet computers. Furthermore, I'm told that these NSA
personnel following dark agenda orders put a filtering process on
the OUTPUT SIDE of the NSA Internet checking computers. It is at
THIS point that the dark agenda interference is randomly grabbing
emails to Dove egroup members and returning the emails with BOGUS
rejection notices to Yahoo!Groups. Yahoo!Groups then automatically
BOUNCES these email addresses off the Dove egroup "Active" mailing
list into the "Bounced" list.
The Forces have physically REMOVED the dark agenda people who gave
the orders to do this interference with the Dove egroup members.
Furthermore, the Forces also BLASTED a NOTICE into every NSA person's
and other people's PC screens, who are involved in this interference
with the Dove egroup members, as of 12:50 p.m. PDT today. This
notice informed these people of the DIRE PERSONAL consequences to
each of them if they continue to try to interfere with the Dove
egroup members and Dove Reports. The Forces are making sure all this
interference is DISABLED....
요즘 Dove egroup의 글들이 PAO네트웍 게시판(PagPawnt)에 자주 뜨네요~
글 전체적으로 보면 'White Knights'(백 기사들?)이 미국 경제 개혁을 위한 특단의 조치를
미 재무성이 수락하도록 하고, 이 달말까지 시스템 전환(?)을 마치도록 했다는 이야기도
눈에 보입니다. 곧 'NESARA (미국 경제 안정화/회복 법안)'의 구상대로 경제개혁이
이루어질 것이라고 이 Dove 그룹에서는 자주 메시지를 전달하고 있네요...
관심있는 분들께서는 전반적인 흐름을 감지해 보시길~ ^^
위의 글 전체는 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PagPawnt/message/5934
셀라맛 가준!