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kosol: mother /father God gave evil to the univers as a gift. as well
goodness as a gift, for this two great eternal teacher are one , evil
has teach us to accept goodness , for with out it teaching us we all
would not know what we would have until it is gone. for with out evil
we all would not know what good is. as you can see , all is of the
i am back and full of more enlightened wisodom and technology and
let me share a story with you all, kosol ouch was at a toyota dealer
ship this month ( toyota ufo got to be fixed ). and kosol saw a young
men holding the bible, as you know , is time to put on my brain
washing technology on him. so i ask him why do you carry the bible? (
kosol play dumb when asking that question ) , the young men respone
saying that he wanted to live like the bible teaching , so kosol
asked him , what have you learned, ( kosol played dumb agian ). the
young men say that he learned about jesus, and his way . i told him
what have you learned about you in that book. he couldn't answer me.
so i begin to inspire him or brain washed him into self realization
path and developement . i told him everything in the bible is a book
that is, " designed to cuase you to answer the wrong question in
order to find the right answer." that why you see alot of
controdiction .
as well, the whole answer to all of your question is , " love ".
once you can love and know the knowledge of it , you don't need the
bible or any other teaching and personified charactor to teach you .
for love is unconditional , if anythings that is conditioned is not
love. i continued by telling him , that what religion purpose are is
to teach people to love . but people begin to personified love ( put
conditioned/judgement mask like jesus,buha, chrisna, kosol ect . )
this personification or conditioned inturn created conditional love
or judgement love , which in reality is not love, but limitation or
judgement and boundery thus inturn you limited/judge/conditioned
yourself and other in both in and the outer reality of view and of
experience . i told him love is unconditional, it is energy of
compassion and sympathy with out conditional/judgement on any level.
it is feeling of carring and connection to yourself and other on a
both intermate and universal level with out condition . throught
action , words, atitude, choose , no judgement what so ever. that
what love is .
so i brain washed/inspired the young into my reality and
multidimension veiw point or you can siad that i inspired the young
men into a unvniversal level of humaness love . so the young men was
impress and wanted my cell phone number . then i broke him into the
alien, i told him do you believe in alien? he siad no, well do you
believe in God ? he siad yes, then do you believe in angel? he siad
yes, then i told him where does God come from? is he/she from Earth ?
he siad no. then what is God then? then he siad yes God is an alien.
so i continued, does angel come from earth or other demension? he
siad no not from earth but other demensioned culture and
civilization . so as you can see, are angel alien? then he siad yes.
well, now do you believe aliens? he now siad yes, so i added as you
can see you believe in a alien God.
so any question ?
he siad yes you are right , i told of course everythings is so
simple .
kosol ouch rule the universal order with a alloy fist, and i and the
guardians force know everythings ..
and everythings is a gift including your self.
kosol: mother /father God gave evil to the univers as a gift. as well
goodness as a gift, for this two great eternal teacher are one , evil
has teach us to accept goodness , for with out it teaching us we all
would not know what we would have until it is gone. for with out evil
we all would not know what good is. as you can see , all is of the
i am back and full of more enlightened wisodom and technology and
let me share a story with you all, kosol ouch was at a toyota dealer
ship this month ( toyota ufo got to be fixed ). and kosol saw a young
men holding the bible, as you know , is time to put on my brain
washing technology on him. so i ask him why do you carry the bible? (
kosol play dumb when asking that question ) , the young men respone
saying that he wanted to live like the bible teaching , so kosol
asked him , what have you learned, ( kosol played dumb agian ). the
young men say that he learned about jesus, and his way . i told him
what have you learned about you in that book. he couldn't answer me.
so i begin to inspire him or brain washed him into self realization
path and developement . i told him everything in the bible is a book
that is, " designed to cuase you to answer the wrong question in
order to find the right answer." that why you see alot of
controdiction .
as well, the whole answer to all of your question is , " love ".
once you can love and know the knowledge of it , you don't need the
bible or any other teaching and personified charactor to teach you .
for love is unconditional , if anythings that is conditioned is not
love. i continued by telling him , that what religion purpose are is
to teach people to love . but people begin to personified love ( put
conditioned/judgement mask like jesus,buha, chrisna, kosol ect . )
this personification or conditioned inturn created conditional love
or judgement love , which in reality is not love, but limitation or
judgement and boundery thus inturn you limited/judge/conditioned
yourself and other in both in and the outer reality of view and of
experience . i told him love is unconditional, it is energy of
compassion and sympathy with out conditional/judgement on any level.
it is feeling of carring and connection to yourself and other on a
both intermate and universal level with out condition . throught
action , words, atitude, choose , no judgement what so ever. that
what love is .
so i brain washed/inspired the young into my reality and
multidimension veiw point or you can siad that i inspired the young
men into a unvniversal level of humaness love . so the young men was
impress and wanted my cell phone number . then i broke him into the
alien, i told him do you believe in alien? he siad no, well do you
believe in God ? he siad yes, then do you believe in angel? he siad
yes, then i told him where does God come from? is he/she from Earth ?
he siad no. then what is God then? then he siad yes God is an alien.
so i continued, does angel come from earth or other demension? he
siad no not from earth but other demensioned culture and
civilization . so as you can see, are angel alien? then he siad yes.
well, now do you believe aliens? he now siad yes, so i added as you
can see you believe in a alien God.
so any question ?
he siad yes you are right , i told of course everythings is so
simple .
kosol ouch rule the universal order with a alloy fist, and i and the
guardians force know everythings ..
and everythings is a gift including your self.