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Michael Jackson assasinate by CIA?
By Sorcha Faal, comments added later by Candace - Jun 29, 2009, 04:15
Candace:  I found the below email posted on 4 winds today apparently from Jane Burgenmeister mentioned in the above piece by "Sorcha."   I did not post this piece, another team member did, but I have had some email and wish to comment. This is a very mixed up piece of several embedded topics and false inuendo.

I think it is highly possible Michael Jackson was murdered, and it is possible by EMP not EMR weapons. I have experience EMP, more than once by the way, and since I am guarded, my heart is restarted and I feel like shit for a few days, but otherwise recover fine.  I went through this again close to a month ago now.
나는 마이클 잭슨이 살해되었을 가능성이 높다고 생각합니다  그리고 그것은  EMR 무기가 아닌 EMP에 의해 가능합니다...  EMP - 전자기 펄스

  When used it disrupts the electrical flow to anything from heart muscle to autos and airplanes, as a means of bringing them down.  Now, for this to work to murder Michael, it would have to been highly specific to where ever he was in his home, and it would NOT be detected by RUSSIA as suggested above. That's an absolute piece of crap statement by whoever "sorcha" is, and of course this is a black ops post under this name anyway. Always read these reports carefully which embed truth, lies and inuendo.

If Russia had detected this, everyone would have dropped dead that was in the house and probably on the grounds.  It would have to be used specificially on Michael, much as it was used to cause the "cardiac arrest" on that newsman from TV killed a few months ago, his name escapes me at this moment.  

I do NOT know why Sorcha would pull JB here into this, but I do suggest going to the link she provides because there is info on this lawsuit by JB all over the web and I hadn't posted anything here, don't think Ron did either.  It has been on GLP recently. The reason I suppose to pull JB into this is to focus attention in that direction. I do advise, when reading Sorcha that you visit the actual links because when you do, you will usually find the piece is quite a bit different that the extraction used in "her" work.

There are also EMR weapons which work differently.  EMP technology probably can be used from satellites, but mostly it is used by hand held devices from helicopters, low flying planes, and on the ground from distances up to several hundred yards, with a clear view. If this was used on Michael J, either somebody got into the house, or knew where he would be when it was used, or if from a helicopter, using technology to see through the walls.

I know they are trying to blame this on his doctor to hide this other method. I have no idea if his doctor was involved in any way or not, but when you have the massive obviously PREPLANNED TV coverage, you can assume the person was murdered in most cases. Thus my own reasoning that MJ was murdered, they had canned TV running immediately.  I have no clue why they wished to murder him, there could be multiple reasons.  The timing certainly serves to help cover up something else that could be in the works.  Here is the letter from JB below on 4winds.

Also, the "emergency containment centers" are generally areas with wildlife that are ill from certain communicable diseases and not necessarily meant for human use.  
