Call to action for Lightworkers.
Special Message from St. Germain

We would like to come at this time and let you know of a purpose that is in the works to bring NESARA to the world. This purpose is the work of the Lighted and angelic realms and it is taking a stand to bring the ruination of the attempts by the dark forces to subvert the activities that would seek to gain control of the banking systems of the world, and to give the once strong members of the World bank a run for their money with the gain of taking action with the members of the dynasty of wealth and governance of the people.
We at this time see no change taking place with the members of the World Court for they are in agreement that there will be a truth-gathering meeting in two days to corroborate the testimony of the White Knights with the testimony of certain parties that it is time to throw out the validity of the window for announcement and bring the law of jurisprudence to the system that is controlling and determining this issue. There has been subversion and allocations of time and monies spent to bring this issue to fruition, and now the cause for the window has been overthrown and the higher issue of world safety and security is at hand.
There will not be a return to the former ways of determination of announcement because there has been the subversion and overriding of the clauses set down by the world court. Therefore the former setting of the windows is no longer valid and the immediacy of the situation merits this new action, and overrides the former judgments that were offered down for the former announcement period. This is a matter of world security; therefore the issues of the moment are taking precedence over all former considerations.
I AM St. Germain, and I am here with Admiral Sananda, the Galactic Federation, the Angelic realms with attendance from Archangel Michael, and we are joining with the other forces in this presentment this hour. We are prepared to bring this forward with due consideration of allowable energy openings of the light workers on earth and the timetable by which they will be informed of this allowance. This is a mere formality, and there will be no official rendering of this announcement until the time in which we receive intent from the lightworkers on earth to bring this into reality NOW.
Thank you for this opportunity, and God bless you all.