Germain: Party Time Approaches
through Katie
and confirmed today through Rae
20th November, 2006

I have come to give you some good news. First of all for your fellow travelers upon this planet, Earth, and then some personal guidance. First of all, your fellow human travelers will enjoy the following:

1. We have almost completed the delivery of the humanitarian packages to your fellow Americans. The Canadian ones will be done within 48 hours of the public announcement of NESARA.

2, We plan on announcing NESARA sometime this weekend. Yes, the Mayan calendar is correct in that there is going to be a huge energy shift - i.e. into much higher frequencies this Friday, November 24th.

3, We suggest that all your fellow human travelers stay tuned to their radio and television stations this weekend. We are almost finished cleaning up those Illuminati - especially those illegal residents currently in power in the White House. Yes, you heard me correctly: those illegal residents currently in power in the White House. The Oval Office is about to become, shall I say: ?쏿 little bit more square.??I> (he laughs)  It is almost party time and celebrating in full regalia - fully honouring our brothers and sisters not only on this planet of Earth, but also on the many various other planets in your solar system as well as all of the other solar systems throughout the Universe.

K:  For those individuals who find it necessary to file bankruptcy in the next few weeks as well as for those who have already filed and they have not had their bankruptcy discharged when NESARA is announced and thus its financial benefits implemented, what happens to them and their debt? Does their debt automatically get wiped out? Can the government and/or the creditors still confiscate all of the assets of one of these people because we have been told that if one receives a large windfall of money or receives an inheritance that the bankruptcy people get to take all of the money even if there is lots of money left over after all of the person?셲 debts have been paid off. It seems very unreasonable for the creditors to keep more than what the individual currently owes them.
Can you give us any information on how this will be handled?
SG:  These are all very good questions. All debts including those debts involved in a bankruptcy where the person has not yet been fully discharged for whatever reason(s), these will automatically be forgiven just the same as if one has not filed bankruptcy. We will be sending forms for those/these individuals to fill out for total debt relief.