UFO Crash in Utah
By Dariel | 03.17.05

Now, on the heels of the Peter Jennings special on UFOs comes a really weird story out of Utah.  This morning, I received a call from a person in Utah I’ve known for some time — a very credible witness.  I was told the following story (paraphrased)

On February 22nd, myself and a friend were sitting in a booth at restaurant in Draper, Utah.  There was a well dressed young man, about 30-ish, with short hair in the booth next to ours.  His cell phone rang and he answered it.  He was very excited and told the party on the other end that there had been a crash of a UFO about 20 miles south of Salt Lake City.  This immediately got our attention!

The man was quite agitated and stated several times that he really shouldn’t be talking on a non-secure telephone.  He told the other party that he had flown in two days ago from Washington (we assume DC).  He said that this was "huge."  The craft was a silver disk about 30 meters in diameter.

He stated that it was "too hot to touch," over 3000 degrees even now.  Again, he stated that he really should be talking on a secure connection.  Our first impulse was to go and talk with the man after he hung up.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance as the people he was meeting drove up and started going into the wrong restaurant.  He got up and hurried out the door to meet them.
We then left, and went home and looked at the map to see where this craft may have crashed.  20 miles South puts it in the vicinity of Camp Williams between Cedar Fort and Lehi.

My friend called their friend, who was an excellent remote viewer.  This person was listening to the story on the phone when they suddenly had an experience they described as "instantaneous bi-location" (a sort of out of body phenomenon).  They described being at a sandy location that was taped off.  There were three men arguing with one another.  One of the men said, "I’m tired of this s_ _ t.  I’m not going to do it anymore."  They could not see any signs of a craft because the area was taped off with that yellow tape they use at crime scenes.  This person has had this sort of OBE experience many times.

That is not the end of the story however.  There is still more…

It seems that a bit of the truth may have leaked out, as it often does.  One of the tabloids this week had a story about a UFO crash near Logan, UT (other end of the Salt Lake City valley).  The article said that a sort of "Noah’s Ark" crashed with many strange looking animals that were reported to the local authorities.  If you believe that story, I have a bridge…

Another coincidence is that it was predicted in advance that a shuttle craft would land in Salt Lake City on February 22nd.
Was it possible that the BBB&Gs took this prediction quite literally and met the craft with hostile fire?
Or maybe this was just a little test to see if humanity was ready for a full scale landing and so they sent an unmanned craft down to see what would happen.  If so, we blew it again.

We will probably never know the whole story as it really happened.  We do know for a fact that the conversation on the cell phone was witnessed by two credible people.  Now if those funny guys in the black suits show up at my door, we’ll know for sure it was real!

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