THE JENNIFER LEE REPORT for Monday November 15th, 2004

Today I heard from Mr. X who told me "The Rats are still jumping Ship and things are moving FASTER than anyone can see!"

I had a similar message left on the KOS 's Machine. The way The King put it was, "That Black Hole is to prevent them from jumping ship out of the fray in DC. The Black Hole is swallowing them Whole!" Remember last week's JL Report on Wed. the 10th -

"These characters are trying to jump ship, but they are literally falling into that Black Hole because it is time for them to be Deleted from the program because they are either going to come back to Love or they will not be here!"

Mr. X told Mr. A Shrub has ordered a house cleaning of the CIA with a big broom to sweep out anyone against current policies or unloyal to the Shrub. He also said we will see many more resignations in the agency just because they cannot continue to be treated as this man is doing.

Mr. X went on to say we would not only see many resignations going on all over the capital, but we would also see Porter Goss resign because he is realizing he has been duped as well.