Harmonic Concordance II -- A Call for Global Meditation

The concept of group lightwork is grounded in ancient tradition.

Tibetan Buddhists recommend using the times of eclipses for spiritual practice, as the results will be multiplied many times over for the benefit of all.

During a Solar Eclipse, the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied 100 million times, according to Lama Zopa Rinpoche.  During a Lunar Eclipse, the factor is 7 million.

Here is astrologer Johnny Mirehiel's request for worldwide prayer at the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which he is calling Harmonic Concordance II, on October 27-28, 2004:

- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus/Scorpio -- October 27  11:07 p.m. EST
- Grand Quintile -- October 28

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