요약하면 레이디 카지나는 최근 멕시코 공군에 의해 목격된 UFO들은 은하연합의 것이 아니라는군요.
은하연합은 현재 그런 활동을 하지 않으며 뒤로 물러나서 관찰만 하는 상태이고 이번에 목격된 UFO들은 은하연합의 비행체가 아니라 적극적으로 자신의 존재를 알리려는 다른 외계 존재들이라고 하는군요. 앞으로 이런 현상을 더욱 빈번히 보게 될 것이라 하고 아울러 은하연합은 UFO에 대한 완전 폭로를 기대하는 중이며 특히 정치쪽 영역에서 폭로 사건과 여러 사건들을 기대하고 있는 중이라고 하는군요.

Wayne: There have been recent military reports in Mexico of UFOs similar
      to the "Phoenix Lights." Some suggest that these are U.S. military craft
      demonstrating their cloaking abilities; others have suggested that these
      are extraterrestrial in origin in the process of aligning the energy of
      the area surrounding the Bay of Campeche. References:
      http://www.paoweb.com/ufomexc.htm. Can you tell us what these are/were and
      what is their purpose?

Kadjina:   These are indeed extraterrestrial. But this is not of the Galactic
      Federation of Light. The Galactic Federation is holding back at this time
      and not manifesting so much on Planet Earth. These are more like
      extraterrestrial that are "jumping the gun," so to speak. It is very
      heartening to see official organizations beginning to make reports about
      these activities.
      Basically, they just wanted people to know that they are real, that they
      do exist, and that there is life far beyond life on Planet Earth. Now keep
      in mind that those of the 4th and 5th dimension have no need to use 3rd
      dimensional craft. And you're going to be seeing more and more of these
      types of phenomenon.
      It is truly the time for the implementation of Full Disclosure on every
      level. Those of the Galactic Federation of Light are looking for full
      disclosure of Earth events and happenings, especially in the field of
      politics. We would like to see people really take an interest in what's
      going on on Planet Earth.