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트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2575...속보...글로벌리스트 권력자들 체포시작..번역요!
kimi 추천 5 조회 1,116 20.06.01 22:20 댓글 63

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Van Dexter
Know your ENEMY! Pallavicini

​The Pallavicini family is a top bloodline in the global crime syndicate and they govern Palatine Hill in Rome.
6/1/20, 5:03 AM

Know your ENEMY! Pallavicini

​The Pallavicini family is a top bloodline in

the global crime syndicate and

they govern Palatine Hill in Rome.

They had multiple family branches in Italy and Austria and ancestry that ruled around Athens Greece. They have ruled as princes in Genoa, Milan, Rome, Budapest, and Vienna.

The Pallavicinis established a Csaky-Pallavicini Hungarian noble branch and they are owners of some Slavic-Serbian Mafias. They recently married in with the German House of Wurttemberg with Duchess Helene of Wurttemberg married to Marquess Federico Pallavicini.

Pallavicini fam. married with the Rospigliosi Papal nobility and also have a branch in London through the Cromwell fam. Horatio Pallavicino was a financier for the British Crown and his fam.merged with the Cromwells through several marriages creating the variant name Paravicini

. Charles Vincent Somerset Paravicini is a current member of the British aristocracy. The Pallavicini family ruled over ancient Parthia or Iran and the Pahlavi dynasty that ruled Iran more recently are an ancestral branch ...

Palli and Pallavicini. The Kardashian family are Armenian and the Armenian Mafia traffic children to the Kardashians which they sacrifice. Prince Filippo Rospigliosi is the Earl of Newburgh Scotland and also holds Pallavicini titles in Venice and Genoa while residing in Milan.

This family were the top architects of the US war on Iraq. Prince Moroello Diaz Della Vittoria-Pallavicini and Prince Sigieri Diaz Della Vittoria-Pallavicini are top powers in Rome and the world

The Pallavicini family specialize in radiating the feeling of desolation or abyss through HAARP and other electronic systems. The Pallavicini and Medici families are architects of gang stalking and they call their isolate and torture program the "Abomination of Desolation."

The Schwarzenberg family are a Bohemian-Austrian nobility that work closely with the Austrian Pallavicinis and their agent George Soros formerly George Schwartz finances gang stalking and human sacrifices to the Cult of Athena and Cult of Nike.

Imam Yahya Pallavicini is an mathematical architect of mind control programs and they use their agents that have infiltrated the US Air Force to radiate them through systems like HAARP. The Pallavacinis have a statue holding a harp at their palace in Vienna

The statue on the left is holding a harp or lyre. The Pallavicinis have authority over the USAF's HAARP system.

..of the Pallavicini family. Pahlavi is a term for the ancient Parthian language and where the Pallavicini named derives from.

William Casey a former Director of the CIA worked closely with the Pahlavi royal family after their exile and Prince Reza Pahlavi has had a residence near the CIA headquarters. William Casey was Jesuit educated at Fordham.

Marquis Alfonso Pallavicini of Austria was a top executive for BNP Paribas an international banking group with assets worth nearly 2 trillion.

Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria-Pallavicini and his brother Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria-Pallavicini. These two need to be executed immediately.

Their Global Wealth Management Group has operations in Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, London, and Malta and business deals in the Middle East.

The Pallavicinis like staging war propaganda between the US and Iran and Russia and they are making death threats towards the entirety of humanity.

Prince Rahim Aga Khan is a member of the Fatimid dynasty which claims to directly descend from the Prophet Muhammad. The Aga Khan family are Iranian royalty and the head of Nizari Ismaailisim. They have close connections to the Vatican and Italy.

Prince Reza Pahlavi is the head of the Iranian royal family and his father was knighted by the Vatican and its Order of the Golden Spur and he later moved to Virginia near the George Bush Center for Intelligence and began working with the CIA.

Andrew Freedman of Haverford College states that Pahlavi began cooperation with the CIA after he met director William J. Casey and received a monthly stipend, citing Pahlavi's financial advisor and other observers.

Freedman also connects his residence in Great Falls, Virginia to its proximity to George Bush Center for Intelligence, headquarters of the service

Prince Reza Pahlavi is the head of the Iranian royal family today. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the last Shah of Iran was a Vatican Knight of the Golden Spur. Shah Karim Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV is of Iranian royalty and is knighted by two Italian orders and his father was born in Turin,

Giancarlo Pallavicini was a Milanese born Soviet economic adviser and is a Russian economist today. The Pallavicinis are working closely with the criminals running Russia.

The Pallavicinis are the owners of the Armenian Mafia and they co-manage the Kardashians with the Venetian Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family. The Kardashian women are all child murdering cannibals that rape, murder, and cannibalize children and especially little boys.

William Casey a former Director of the CIA worked closely with the Pahlavi royal family after their exile and Prince Reza Pahlavi has had a residence near the CIA headquarters. William Casey was Jesuit educated at Fordham.

Marquis Alfonso Pallavicini of Austria was a top executive for BNP Paribas an international banking group with assets worth nearly 2 trillion.

Their Global Wealth Management Group has operations in Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, London, and Malta and business deals in the Middle East.

The Pallavicinis like staging war propaganda between the US and Iran and Russia and they are making death threats towards the entirety of humanity.

Prince Reza Pahlavi is the head of the Iranian royal family today. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the last Shah of Iran was a Vatican Knight of the Golden Spur. Shah Karim Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV is of Iranian royalty and is knighted by two Italian orders and his father was born in Turin,

Andrew Freedman of Haverford College states that Pahlavi began cooperation with the CIA after he met director William J. Casey and received a monthly stipend, citing Pahlavi's financial advisor and other observers.

Freedman also connects his residence in Great Falls, Virginia to its proximity to George Bush Center for Intelligence, headquarters of the service

The Pallavicinis are from an ancient Iranian royalty which settled in Armenia as the Pahlavuni dynasty before migrating to Italy as the Pallavicinis.

The Pallavicini coat of arms of a double headed eagle wearing the golden fleece with a masonic checkerboard pattern on the shield and below is 1783 in Roman numerals ending in XXXIII or 33.

Count Thomas Csaky-Pallavicini is a Hungarian noble. The Pallavicinis and Odescalchis of Rome both established Hungarian noble branches and they manage some Slavic and Serbian mafias for them.

The Armenian Mafia works under the Russian Mafia and the Russian Mafia in New York works under the Lucchese crime family owned by the Lucchesi-Palli family of Italy and Austria. The Lucchesi-Pallis have some ancient relations with the Pallavicinis.

There are many international Jewish-Iranian businessmen like the Manocherian, Ghermezian, and Merage families. Paul Merage is a Jewish Iranian-American worth 5 billion.

Prince Sigieri is a board member for Athena Investments. The Kabbalistic actress Natalie Portman is their Vicar of Nike. Her grandmother's name was Bernice which means "bringer of nike" and her grandmother was from Austria.

A female gang stalker named Rachel Buyak is their Vicar of Athena and she is a psychotic murderer.

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan who died in 2003 was an Italian knight of Saint Sylvester and the uncle to Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV.

The first to arrive in Rome was, in 1929, King Amanullah, son of Abibullah, also called the "great reformer", who was deposed by a revolt of the mullahs. The ruler of a dynasty that became hereditary since 1747 (Afghanistan was proclaimed English Protectorate in 1879), ..

He is also a trustee of the City of Jerusalem

Khalili was born in 1945 in the city of Isfahan, Iran, the fourth of five children, to a Jewish family of art dealers and traders of artefacts.

They are high level witches in the United States and members of the Cult of Moloch or Cult of Nyx. The Lucchesi-Palli family of Italy and Austria own the Lucchese crime family and the Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach, New York pay the Luccheses tributes.

Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy sold weapons to the Iranian royal family while working for Agusta.

The Pallavicini coat of arms uses the double headed eagle like Scottish Rite Freemasonry along with a masonic checkerboard pattern. Prince Filippo is a high level Scottish Rite Freemason.

The Prince-Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Milan runs ISESCO or Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and he is also the Advisor for Islamic Affairs in Italy.

Nasser David Khalili is a Jewish British-Iranian billionaire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St. Sylvester and a Trustee of the City of Jerusalem and he serves the Pallavicini family.

George Soros is a friend of Prince Karel of Schwarzenberg. The Pallavicini family were originally Genoese bankers and likely have a large amount of shares in the Genoese Banca Carige which was founded in 1482.

Margrave Edoardo Pallavicini is a banker that works for O'Connor Capital and previously worked for Deutsche Bank. Prince Dominic Pallavicino is a Genoese noble and works with the House of Grimaldi in Monaco.

The Aga Khan family claim to directly descend from the Prophet Muhammad and Prince Rahim Aga Khan is a current high level member of this family. The Aga Khans manage a faction of modern day Ismaili Hashashins or Assassins.

The Pallavicinis are the owners of Pallavicini-Immobillairie a multi billion dollar real estate development company, Global Wealth Management (GWM) an international finance firm, Armonia which is an investment firm, and they are invested in Greentech through GWM which is....

These two devils need to be removed as soon as possible. They deserve to be dragged out of their palaces and burned alive for everyone to see.

Mr. Moroello Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini serves as a Director at Sodali Ltd., and Immobiliare Toscana Agricola. Mr. Pallavicini serves as a Board Member of GWM and GWM Renewable with interests in the asset management and renewable energy field.

There are two strains of the Afghan royal family that have chosen Italy as a refuge in two different waves.

is the 49th and current Imam of Nizari Ismailism, a denomination of Isma'ilism within Shia Islam with an estimated 10–15 million adherents (10–12% of the world's Shia Muslim population

He is fluent in German, Italian, French, English and Spanish. Mr. Pallavicini is a graduate of the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

... involved in renewable energies. GWM is located in Milan, Rome, London, Malta, Geneva, and Luxembourg. Banking is private in Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Leaders in Genoa, Monaco, Russia, and Iran have a close alliance. Farhad Moshiri is an Iranian billionaire that lives in Monaco.

Nasser David Khalili (Persian: ناصر داوود خلیلی, born 18 December 1945) is a British-Iranian scholar, collector, and philanthropist based in London. He is a British citizen.

The royal families of Afghanistan established residences in Italy and an Afghani prince married Princess Luciano Pallavicini. Giancarlo Pallavicini from Milan is an economist and worked as an adviser for the Soviet government.

Giancarlo Pallavicini specializes in economic globalism and still works with the Russian government. The Pallavicinis have deep connections with Russia and are owners of the Armenian Mafia which is headquartered in Hollywood.

The Kardashians with a black and white background and dressed in black and white. Freemasons use black and white symbols. Kris Jenner the mother of the Kardashians has Scottish ancestry.

Mahmoud Khayami is a French-Iranian millionaire residing in London who co-founded the Iran National company and he is also a Knight of the Order of St Sylvester and serving the Pallavicinis

Mr. Sigieri Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini is the Founder of Armonia Sim. He also serves as the Founder and Managing Partner at GWM Group. He served as the CEO and Member of Management Board at Greentech Energy Systems A/S since November 2010 until October 29, 2014.

Prince Armando Diaz della Vittoria the father of Prince Sigieri and Prince Moroello. The Diaz family have Spanish ancestry and they settled in southern Italy.

Armando Diaz, 1st Duke of the Victory, OSSA, OSML, OMS, OCI (5 December 1861 – 28 February 1928) was an Italian general and a Marshal of Italy. He is mostly known for his role as Chief of Staff of the Regio Esercito during World War I since November 1917.

Born in Naples to a family of Italian and distant Spanish heritage, he was the son of Lodovico, a navy officer and Irene Cecconi,[2]

After the war, Armando Diaz was appointed as a senator.

In 1921 he was ennobled by King Victor Emmanuel III and given the victory title of 1st Duca della Vittoria ("Duke of the Victory"). Benito Mussolini named him Minister of War, and he was promoted to Field Marshal.

Princess Maria Camilla Pallavicini is a high authority in Rome and over Wiccan cults. Wiccans often use Latin for their spells. The Vatican City is the only nation on the planet where they use Latin as an official language.

Elvina Pallavicini was known for supporting the United States war on Iraq. Iran and Iraq have been rivals and enemies.

The Venetian judge Carlo Mastelloni, for example, in an investigation of international arms trafficking collected documents showing that Vittorio Emanuele, together with Count Corrado, was not only concerned with regular merchandise to be placed in Persia, but also ...

..with forbidden triangulations from embargoes: hundreds of Agusta 205 and Agusta 206 helicopters, weapon systems and spare parts departed from Italy officially destined for the Shah's Iran, but ended up in Jordan or the PLO;

addressed to Malaysia and Singapore, they arrived instead in Taiwan or in South Africa of apartheid. All without the approval of the secret services of the countries involved. Judge Mastelloni's investigation had put generals, politicians and secret agents under observation.

Then he arrived at the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office and nothing more was heard of him. In addition to Agusta, the US company Bell, the Cobra assault helicopter industry, was involved in the business.

Prince-Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini is from the Milanese branch of the Pallavicinis which likely intermarried with Islamic Iranian royals.

Princess Luciana Pallavicini-Hassan of Afghanistan which the kingdom was torn by a "water seller", took refuge first in India and then in our country where he was welcomed with great honors from the Savoy. Amanullah had a beautiful wife named Soraya, three very charming daughters, including India, who lives in Rome, Malhia..

..and Najia, both of whom live in Turkey. Of the king's sons, Enajatullah died, Ramtullah lives in Rome and Essanullah in Switzerland. Among the other relatives who fled with him, the young prince Abdullah Hassan, son of Mohammed Hassan and the sister of King Nur el Suraja (Rasja

They oversee the Cult of Nike and the Cult of Athena. There are several statues of Athena and Nike in Vienna, Austria including Athena holding up Nike. Vittoria means victory. Nike means victory.

The statue on their Austrian Palais Pallavicini is holding a harp which refers to their authority over the USAF's HAARP system used for mass mind manipulation and weather modification. Today Marco Pallavicini is a physics professor at the University of Geneva.

A female gang stalker named Rachel Buyak is their Vicar of Athena and she is demented, psychotic, narcissistic, vain, egomaniacal, extremely delusional, cannibalistic, depraved, and sadistic.

Their ancestor the 1st Duke of Victory also became the Minister of War under Benito Mussolini. Prince Sigieri and Prince Moroello's father is Don Armando Diaz the Duke of Victory a title given to them by the House of Savoy for their military leadership in WWI.

The Pallavicini family is intermarried with the very wealthy Medici family with Don Guglielmo Pallavicini married to Donna Elvina de Medici del Vascello who was nicknamed a "Queen of the Black Nobility" and her grandchildren are.....

... Morello and Sigieri and their grandfather was an Italian fascist that was given the title Prince of Victory Principes della Vittoria by the Savoys

They also has a large family branch in Budapest called the Csaky-Pallavicini family with various unnamed members. Members of the Pallavicini crime family include Princess Maria Camilla Pallavicini, Prince Armando Diaz della Vittoria, Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria-Pallavicin

i, Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria-Pallavicini, Princess Luciano Pallavicini of Afghanistan, Prince Domenico Pallavicino, Margraf Edouardo Pallavicini, Margraf Alfonso Pallavicini, Margravine Elisabeth Pallavicini, Count Roger Csaky-Pallavicini and ..

..Count Thomas Csaky-Pallavicini of Hungary, Don Diego Pallavicini, Prince Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini, Charles Vincent Somerset Paravicini, Giancarlo Pallavicini, Marco Pallavicini, and Prince Filippo Rospigliosi.

He served as a Director of Prelios S.p.A. since October 16, 2015. He is also Chairman of the Italian Historic Property Association (ADSI), institution that preserve private historic properties in Italy.

The Pallavicini family have also managed Rottapharm pharmaceuticals and Prelios asset management. Prince Sigieri is the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Athena Investments and has worked with Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Prudential Financial and Lehman Brothers.

He graduated in Economics at the University of Rome, he is specialized in International Finance.

They were granted the title Della Vittoria or Dukes of Victory for their military service in WWI and for their service to the Savoy's fascist dictator Mussolini.

among the founders of the mosque in Rome. This last doctor, cardiologist, hero of the Afghan resistance during the Sov. invasion, married an Ital. woman, Luciana Pallavicini, from whom she had 2 children, Mahera and Waiss. The first resides in the capital, the second in Florence

The family lives in Switzerland and Prince Rahim's father Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV was knighted by two Italian orders and Aga Khan IV's father Prince Aly Khan was born in Turin, Italy.

Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, KBE, CC (Arabic: شاه كريم الحسيني، الآقاخان الرابع; Persian: شاه کریم حسینی، آقاخان چهارم; Urdu: شاه کریم حسینی، آقاخان چهارم; Aga Khan is also transliterated as Aqa Khan and Agha Khan;[2] born 13 December 1936) ...

Italy: Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. The Aga Khan is the first Muslim to receive the honour (1977)[102]

Italy: Knight of the Order of Merit for Labour (1988)[102]

Prince Ali Salman Aga Khan (13 June 1911 – 12 May 1960), known as Aly Khan, was a son of Sultan Mahommed Shah, Aga Khan III, the leader of the Nizārī Ismaili Muslims, a sect of Shia Islam, and the father of Aga Khan IV.

Aly Khan was born in Turin, Italy

Mr. Pallavicini served as the Chief Investment Officer of Rottapharm S.p.A. He serves as Vice Chairman of Rottapharm S.p.A. and has been its Director since 2004. He served as a Director of Sodali Ltd. He served as a Director of Banca Finnat Euramerica S.p.A. until April 29, 2009.

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, KBE, KCSS (Arabic: صدرالّدين آغا خان, Ṣadr ad-Dīn Āghā Khān, 17 January 1933 – 12 May 2003) served as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 1966 to 1977

Knight Commander of the Order of St. Sylvester (KCSS) of the Holy See

Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran

Reza Pahlavi (Persian: رضا پهلوی; born 31 October 1960) is the last heir apparent [3] to the defunct throne of the Imperial State of Iran and is the current head of the exiled House of Pahlavi.

He is the older son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and his wife Farah Diba. After the January 2018 protests, and Donald Trump's anti-Iran rhetoric, Pahlavi and pro-monarchy sentiment experienced a resurgence in Iran

Nasser David Khalili is a Jewish British-Iranian billionaire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St. Sylvester and he works for the Pallavicini family through the Vatican. Khalili is beleived to be worth between 1-5 billion.

Khalili is the founder of the Khalili Collections, which is said to include the finest and most comprehensive collection of Islamic art in private hands.[3] Khalili was born in Iran, before leaving the country to study in the United States.

He is exceptional in having received Knighthoods from two Popes. Pope John Paul II honoured him as Knight of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St Sylvester (KSS) and Pope Benedict XVI further elevated him to Knight Commander in the said order (KCSS) for his work in the pursuit.

of peace, education and culture amongst nations.

In 2007 Khalili's wealth was estimated at £5.8 billion by the Sunday Times Rich List, but he was removed from subsequent editions of the list. In 2007 and 2008 Forbes estimated Khalili's wealth at $1.3 billion, but he dropped off the 2014 edition of the list.

In 2008 The Art Newspaper wrote that 'a £1 billion valuation is believed more likely' than previously claimed higher amounts.[9] Khalili has claimed that he has spent $650 million on art.

Mahmoud Khayami is a French-Iranian millionaire residing in London who co-founded the Iran National company and he is also a Knight of the Order of St Sylvester.

The donation from multi-millionaire Mahmoud Khayami, a prominent Muslim who fled Iran after the fall of the Shah, is one of the largest received by Labour

Khayami was one of the leading champions of Iran's industrialisation during the Sixties and Seventies. He masterminded the production of the popular Peykan cars, which were exported to neighbouring countries and Eastern Europe in the 1970s.

He also founded the Bank of Iranian Industries, which aimed to bolster Iranian manufacturing, and the Kourosh Department Stores, the first large retail chain stores in Iran.

In 1979, following the overthrow of the Shah, he moved to London, managing the distribution of Mercedes-Benz cars. In 2004, in recognition of his philanthropic work in the former Yugoslavia, Pope John Paul II made him a Knight of the Order of Pope Saint Sylvester -..

an almost unprecedented recognition for a non-Catholic

Margrave Alfonso Pallavicini with his Belgian wife Countess Elisabeth d'Udekem the sister of the Queen of Belgium.

Mr. Alfonso Pallavicini serves as an Senior Investment Advisor at Luxempart S.A. since 2019. Previously, he served as Head of Europe at BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Bank. From 1992 to 2011, Mr. Pallavincini worked for BNP Paribas where he held various management ...

...positions in the Corporate Finance and Coverage departments. He served as Head of Coverage and Territories Europe at BNP Paribas SA since January 2006. Mr. Pallavicini served as the Head of the corporate group within CTE where he joined in 1992.

He was an Investment Professional at Cobepa S.A. He started his career with Deutsche Bank in the M&A sector. Mr. Pallavicini serves as a Non-Executive Director of HOLDING SOCOTEC - S.A.S., Princess Yachts, Socotec, International SOS, and BNP Paribas ZAO Russia.

Prince Domenico Pallavicino from the Genoese branch with Prince Albert II Grimaldi of Monaco the ruling monarch of the nation of Monaco.

The Grimaldis were originally from Genoa and they worked closely with the Pallavicinis in governing the Republic of Genoa which had territories in the Black Sea region near Russia. Prince Albert II is very close friends with Vladimir Putin.

Prince Domenico is the honorary Consul General in Monaco.

Sir Horatio Palavicino, Kt.
Husband of Anna Cromwell

Daughter of Sir Oliver Cromwell, KB and Elizabeth Cromwell
Wife of Sir Toby Pallavicino, Kt.

Mary Elizabeth Hope, Baroness Glendevon (née Maugham, formerly Paravicini; 1 September 1915 – 27 December 1998) was the only child of English playwright, novelist, and short story writer W. Somerset Maugham and his then mistress, Syrie Wellcome.

Their first child, born in 1937, was Nicholas Vincent Somerset Paravicini, who would marry Mary Ann Parker Bowles, sister of Andrew Parker Bowles. They had two sons and a daughter

Charles Vincent Somerset Paravicini (b. 1968),
Elizabeth Ann Paravicini (b. 1970), and
Derek Paravicini [6] (b. 1979), the blind autistic savant and musical prodigy.

Princess Benedetta Rospigliosi the Lady of Newburgh is from the Pallavicini bloodline through her ancestor Prince Giambatista Rospigliosi and his wife Princess Maria Camilla Pallavacini.

Princess Benedetta's father Prince Filippo Rospigliosi is the current Earl of Newburgh Scotland. Prince Filippo is a high level Freemason and oversees Scottish Rite Freemasonry from his residence in Milan.

The Kardashians are Armenian and the Armenian Mafia is headquartered in Hollywood which is the only reason why the Kardashians were made famous. The Armenian Mafia works under the Russian Mafia.

They think murdering little boys makes women dominant over men. They are insanely evil and demented.

we are going to tear them down!

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2262 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2580...속보...트럼프왕 국방부 ACTIVATE. new 아트만 2020-06-02 161
2261 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2579...한국소식 new 아트만 2020-06-02 216
2260 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2578...속보...실종된 말레이지안 비행기 찾음 new 아트만 2020-06-02 160
2259 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2577...속보...박근혜 문재인 에게 폭로. new 아트만 2020-06-02 161
2258 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2576...속보...백악관 폐쇄 new 아트만 2020-06-02 149
» 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2575...속보...글로벌리스트 권력자들 체포시작..번역요! new 아트만 2020-06-02 458
2256 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2574...오랜만에 케이큐 발뻗고 자다. new 아트만 2020-06-02 159
2255 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2573...속보...엔티파 폭력배들 대량 기트모행 new 아트만 2020-06-02 147
2254 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2572...속보...기사님이 글로벌리스트들에게 new 아트만 2020-06-02 152
2253 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2571...속보 군부대내 싸움 전국확산예상 new 아트만 2020-06-01 169
2252 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2570...속보...한국군내 싸움.. new 아트만 2020-06-01 153
2251 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2569...이번 폭동은 계획적 new 아트만 2020-06-01 165
2250 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2568...우리님들에게 한가지 알린다. new 아트만 2020-06-01 182
2249 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2567...속보 종교 범죄단들 체포 시작 new 아트만 2020-06-01 161
2248 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2566...속보...트럼프왕 트윗 new 아트만 2020-06-01 181
2247 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2565...속보...윌리엄바 법무장관 싸인....번역요! new 아트만 2020-06-01 184
2246 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2564...속보...법무부 다수 해고 new 아트만 2020-06-01 146
2245 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2563...속보...트럼프왕 명령 new 아트만 2020-06-01 137
2244 우주 트럼프왕과 기사이야기...2562...속보...특수부대 진압착수 new 아트만 2020-06-01 163