한국 시간 3.31~4.1 부터 10 일간....
그리고 부활?
4월 12일?
빅! 빅! 빅!
글로벌 계엄령?
500.000 건의 기소!
대량 체포 !
미디어, 인터넷, 전화 셧다운?
그리고 10일간 대대적인 디스클로져?
We need 100% of people indoors to see what the US military is going to broadcast on everyone's TV Sets worldwide. It is going to be very painful but we can no longer have people divided. Around Sunday/Monday POTUS will Tweet "My Fellow Americans The Storm is Upon us. We will go to FULL GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW. He will most likely be on board AF1 when he sends out 7 PRESIDENTIAL MSGS to everyone's phones and TV sets worldwide on the Emergency Broadcast System. From there all Global Militaries via US Military will shut down all Media, Internet. Phones and all TV programming (EMERGENCY SERVICES WILL STILL HAVE THEIRS) so the US military can broadcast 10 days of 3x8 hr sessions of video confessions, military tribunals, lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the STORM article. While this is happening they will be removing Governments Worldwide and making Global Arrests(500 thousand indictments) GESARA/NESARA will be activated which will be a full RE-WIRING of Planet Earth.
157,694 SEALED( 봉인된 기소)
378,296 NON- SEALED
다가오는 일을 막을 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없다. !!!!
Rig for Red !
#enjoytheshow !!!!!