글 수 18,120
As it has been said a thousand times and, perhaps, a lot more, this world we live
in is said to have been disrupted to the extent that it is now virtually impossible
for people around the globe to exchange ideas and opinions freely and effectively
as intended. (Of course, there is an extremely small percentage of world population
who could communicate globally. But there seems to be no known case to date for
a person with an ability to command all languages of the world.)
Forturnately, 'international' or 'interracial' communication is on the increase
thanks to related technological breakthroughs as well as human enthusiasm
for multilingual proficiency.
But effective communicaton between and amongst individuals with different
mother toungues is almost non-existent as I perceive.
The reason I stated the above is simple: I want to ask the self-described 'Alien
23' the following:
1. If she or he could give a plausible explanation as to 'why so' regarding the above?
2. Are 'alien beings' like you capable of communicating in multiple, if not all, earthly
Immense thanks in advance.
in is said to have been disrupted to the extent that it is now virtually impossible
for people around the globe to exchange ideas and opinions freely and effectively
as intended. (Of course, there is an extremely small percentage of world population
who could communicate globally. But there seems to be no known case to date for
a person with an ability to command all languages of the world.)
Forturnately, 'international' or 'interracial' communication is on the increase
thanks to related technological breakthroughs as well as human enthusiasm
for multilingual proficiency.
But effective communicaton between and amongst individuals with different
mother toungues is almost non-existent as I perceive.
The reason I stated the above is simple: I want to ask the self-described 'Alien
23' the following:
1. If she or he could give a plausible explanation as to 'why so' regarding the above?
2. Are 'alien beings' like you capable of communicating in multiple, if not all, earthly
Immense thanks in advance.