Emissaries of the light

Channelled through Jim Langman August 14, 2003

Subject: Galactic Federation of Light

Greetings and blessing. We are the Emissaries of the Light. On this visit, it brings us much joy to be among the most incredible Light beings known throughout your universe.

We have, up until now, spoken little on the subject of the Galactic Federation of Light. We most always wish to deal with your ascension process and assist you to elevate your level of consciousness. Instead, at this time, we will be speaking in regards to the Galactic Federation of Light. Your world has undergone so many changes including yourselves. As the events change, so must our plans and time frames.

You are nearing the time where the forces of the Galactic Federation will be able to commence our first contact scenario. The way in which it is to be done has changed many times in the past. Throughout the course of these changes we have learnt so much more about you and your magnificent capabilities. Many times in the past we have prepared for the moment of your first contact, only to be faced with whole new scenarios that have quickly risen. We always must act in accordance with that moment which means changes are on a moment to moment basis. We are not always prepared for these changes, so in saying this we understand when you express your frustrations at the seemingly never-ending circumstances that you find yourselves in, especially with what is happening on your world at this particular time.

One of the things that we can certainly state as being fact, is that your world is now ready for our arrival. Even though your world is ready for first contact, everything must be perfectly in place for contact to take place. Your world is in the final stages of removing the last few obstacles that prevent us from being with you. Right now plans are being finalised and will be quickly put into operation that which will begin the massive shift within your awareness.

Part of the shift is the entrance of a whole new economic structure. The way you are governed will also be completely changing. The distribution of wealth will be dispersed out to the masses and a balancing within your economy will be quickly brought into being. Each country around your world will become as an equal to the next. There will be no such thing as a super power in the way you presently know it. Various countries will have their certain functions, and this does not mean their functions will give them any extra power over the next. These functions will be co-ordinated through a Global Governing Council. We have stated in the past that this governing council will be spiritually based. Its main function is to see that procedures are carried out correctly and in total balance.

No country within the new system will experience lack of anything. When one country is having difficulties, it becomes the responsibility of other countries to step in and offer help unconditionally with whatever help is needed. We have until now only been able to intervene when permitted by the God Creator. We also always only work within the boundaries of the law of any given world. We now make it very clear that the Creator has so decreed, that we step onto your shores at the appropriate time. So dear ones, it is not if we will arrive, it is when. You can be of the knowledge that this time we speak of is closer than you can imagine.

There are events that are taking place within your solar system that are creating the window for your shift into full consciousness. Before you take this final step into full consciousness, we will arrive. We are arriving to assist you through your final moments to full consciousness. Dear Ones, you will not have much longer to wait. The very timing of the arrival of the planet Mars to its closest point to Earth is no coincidence. Also, it is no coincidence that your Sun is sending out enormous amounts of electromagnetic energy pulses. Nor is it coincidence that the planet Nibiru is also arriving. Call it a conjunction if you will, but in simpler terms it is a convergence of polarities. The bringing of balance to the Earth grids and energy fields.

Over the very next few months, you will witness amazing events. We cannot give the exact timing of these events as everything is at critical levels. The timing must be perfect. There are surprises in store for you all. Some of these surprises may overwhelm you. Maintain a state of mind that will support you and keep you balanced over the coming times. Stay committed to your endeavours and support those that are in need of your loving assistance. We now leave you with our blessings, and we grant you peace.